
Melissa Waggener Zorkin

Global CEO

Global CEO
The Unexpected

What I do

I’m not smart enough to invent the next DNA breakthrough. But you can be damned sure I can help YOU get it into the right hands. It’s never been about me; it’s about we–what WE can do together.

It’s about telling your story to the right people at the right time. Driving the conversation, changing behaviors and giving your passion a voice. Obsessively asking the question: “To what end?” Because if you can’t answer that, why do it at all?

Bringing bold thinking, powerful insights, and goldmine connections across the globe, in over 100 markets–to you. And I show up when I say I will, ready to get my hands dirty. No perch-sitting for me.

Building an agency that sits at the intersection of people, brands and technology. We connect and amplify. Span the entire customer experience, and show up anywhere technology lives. (Hint: it’s everywhere)

Why I do what I do

Nothing good in the world happens without communications. Nothing bad happens without communications either. Seeing communications drive true impact in the form of shifted behaviors, changed minds, people doing new things – that’s why I will be here doing this until the cows come home.

My driving force

To actually become the person my family generously thinks I am, which is to live every day with purpose. I jump out of bed ready to solve new puzzles every day.Some are innocuous, some change lives. I’m for connections–new faces, new places, people achieving amazing things that make the world a better place.  

The coolest thing I've done

Seeing people rise to their potential – and go beyond. Whether it’s launching our clients into the stratosphere, or combating gender and racial inequality with our partners at ColorComm and LAGRANT, or watching the AE rise to executive in our organization. I don’t define success just by the numbers – it’s about using our influence to help make a difference.

When I’m not working

It’s not about what you’re doing, it’s about where you are, and with whom. For me that means, always outdoors; hiking, boating with friends and riding my Vespa. Traveling. Gorilla trekking.

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